S-LAB is an international supplier for some of the leading brand names in laboratory equipment, accessories, and other supplies, S-LAB is capable of supplying customers with a complete solution for their chromatographic needs. Our core technology portfolio includes products for liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, sample preparation, and bulk purification chromatographic media. We also provide related chromatography accessories and reference chemicals.

Besides our own strong brands, S-LAB supplies products of international top-tier manufacturers. This wide selection of products allows us to find the best and most efficient solution for each enquiry.



We are dedicated to developing innovative chromatography products for separation scientists, in research, development and production. Our products are designed to meet the most challenging of chromatography applications. They have been utilized in pioneering research projects at leading universities. They are routinely used in testing laboratories to process thousands of samples a day. They have undergone stringent validation protocols at multinational pharmaceutical companies for mission critical QC assays. S-LAB's products have earned the trust and respect of renowned scientists and companies around the globe. We intend to continue developing innovative products through customer focused research and design.

Research & Development

The company's success is derived from its highly skilled staff, including scientists, engineers and researchers specialized in the field of separation science, with product innovation being a key focus. The team at S-LAB is comprised of individuals who in the past have been responsible for the invention, development, and manufacturing of well established HPLC and GC columns and packing materials at leading chromatography companies. With a strong emphasis in organosilane synthesis, silica particle chemistry, and bonding chemistry, S-LAB's products are designed from the ground up to ensure no details are overlooked in all aspects of a product's development.


We are dedicated to the highest standards of production, quality assurance and quality control. The production of our bonded phases is tightly controlled and monitored within a stringent quality system, ensuring product reproducibility, both batch-to-batch and column-to-column. All physical and chemical characteristics of column packing, column components and product packaging are rigorously checked in our QC laboratories. We design the quality protocols as part of the product development process, establishing product specific chromatographic parameters and specifications. The most sensitive and difficult probes are selected for the QC test mix, allowing us to identify and resolve problems quickly. Our testing procedures are designed to mimic real world usage, thereby anticipating and preventing product issues for our customers. A comprehensive certificate of analysis, included with each product, documents our extensive testing protocol. S-LAB's QA/QC program is one of the most stringent in the industry and ensures the reproducibility of our products over all critical chromatographic conditions.




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